Jumat, 30 April 2010

Update DynEd

Mungkin dari kita banyak yang susah sekali untuk mengupdate DynEd. Terutama update secara online. Ada yang bilang karena koneksinya, ada yg bilang osnya. macem2 deh alesan kita. perlu diketahuai bahwa setiap OS mempunyai Bandwith limit sendiri yg di gunakan untuk OS tersebut. misal windows XP, memiliki 20% potongan Bandwith. jadi kalau kita konek ke internet maka bandwith yg kita gunakan hanya 80%. 20% di gunakan untuk kepentingan OS tersebut, seperti misal untuk update OS, driver dll. mungkin jumlah potongan ini lebih besar pada windows vista or windows 7, Sehingga jadi sangat wajar ketika update online kadang Windows XP lebih mudah di bandingkan Vista dan 7.

tp jangan khawatir ada solusinya kok.

Pada dasarnya yang paling penting di update adalah aplikasi DynEd (DYNED_APPS.EXE). karena kalau applications ini masih berbintang biasanya courseware tidak mau jalan. Jadi ada baiknya kita mengupdate applications terlebih dahulu. Setelah itu baru coursewarenya.

pertama jalankan aplikasi UpToDate.exe (klik di sini untuk download)DynEd. Lihat dan ingat nama Courseware yang berbintang. karena courseware yang berbintang adalah corseware yang perlu kita update. setelah tau nama courseware kita cek kode buat nama courseware tersebut. misal kita lupa dengan kode courseware cek aja di sini "\DynEd\support\local_prd". Di situ sebenarnya sudah ada nama Courseware plus kodenya. Buka filenya menggunakan Notepad or wordpad. cuman ya itu emang harus cek satu2 filenya.
sekarang waktunya download file update dyned. biasanya yang bertipe EXE
masuk ke www.dyned.net/courses kemudian cari file courseware yang akan kita download. pastinya supaya lebih cepat mendownload kita gunakan software download management. seperti Internet Download Manager (IDM) or DAP.
kalau sudah selesai extract file yang sudah di download tadi. tapi jangan langsung ke folder DynEd. Walaupun sebenarnya sudah di arahkan ke folder DynEd.
misal kita mau update 010MUL42 (New Dynamic English). Maka folder ini kita copy ke "\DynEd\Launch\". tapi sebelumnya ada baiknya kita menghapus folder 010MUL42 terlebih dahulu. sekarang cek lagi menggunakan UpToDate.exe. seharusnya bintang2nya sudah hilang.

Perhaps… some of us face some difficulties in updating Dyned, especially by online. Some says because of the connection, the operation system…so many other reasons. What we should know is that, every operating system has their own personal Bandwidth limit to be used in the OS itself. For example, Windows XP has 20% bandwidth reduction. So, when we connect it we only got 80%. The rest of 20% is used for the behalf of the bandwidth itself, such as for updating the OS and also the driver, etc. the amount of the reduction might be bigger on Windows Vista or Windows 7. So, it is common when the XP is a lot more easier for online update rather than Vista or XP.
But…..don’t be so frantic…
Basically, the important thing to be updated is the Dyned application (DYNED.APS.EXE), if u still can see the star symbol (*) in the application, the courseware won’t run. In this case, it is better to update the application first and the courseware after.
Okay, so let’s check the steps….
To begin with, run “uptodate.exe”application (click here to download) check and remember the name of the ‘starry’ courseware. It is the courseware that we should update. After that, check the code of that courseware. In case u forgot, check here "\DynEd\support\local_prd’’. You’ll see the name of the courseware and its code. Open the file by using Notepad or WordPad. But unfortunately we have to check it one by one.
Then it’s time now to download the dyned file update. It is usually in EXE type. Log in to www.dyned.net/courses then search for the courseware file that we want to download. To make it faster use download management software. Such as Internet Download Manager (IDM) or DAP.
Extract the file u had download, but be careful! Do not extract it directly to the dyned folder, though it is directed that way. For example, we want to update 010MUL42 (New Dynamic English). Copy this folder to "\DynEd\Launch\". But before that, it will be better if we remove the 010MUL42 first. Then now check using UpToDate.exe. you’ll see the star symbol has already disappear.

Update DynEd

Mungkin dari kita banyak yang susah sekali untuk mengupdate DynEd.